What is The Tomb of Joseph?
At the time of the construction of the original Nauvoo Temple, the prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commissioned the construction of a tomb for his family. Over time the location and the history surrounding the tomb were largely lost. Now, through the documentary and museum, you can explore this piece of history.
Tomb of Joseph Documentary
Because Joseph Smith, Jr., was never buried in the tomb, the location was shrouded in mystery and lost through the years. The documentary tells the story of how the tomb came about, and how Brian Christiansen decided to create a museum to introduce the story to everyone who visits Nauvoo. You can explore the possibilities of multiple locations for the tomb while delving into Church history surrounding the Martyrdom.
Watch the Film on Youtube!
Tomb of Joseph Museum
What started as an exploration into a brick archway has grown into a space that expounds on the history of the Tomb of Joseph, how it connects to Church history and the nearby Nauvoo Temple, the reason why the tomb was important to Joseph Smith, and provides a venue to display historical artifacts and records.
Experience the Museum
30 min
30 min